Temporary Containment Walls

Rent vs Buy

Should I Rent or Buy Temporary Wall Systems?

This is a common dilemma that many of our customers face. The decision to rent or buy temporary wall systems largely depends on the duration of your project and your future needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed choice.

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RealWall Questions Answered Banner

Ask The Engineer: Top 5 RealWall Questions Answered

Our customers face a wide variety of challenges across a broad spectrum of project types. To help save you a phone call to customer support, we asked STARC's Vice President of Product Development Bruce Bickford to identify the Top 5 questions we receive about our flagship modular wall system, RealWall™.

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modular wall solutions

Patient Satisfaction Includes More Than Positive Outcomes

Healthcare success stories typically speak to the importance of doctors, nurses, and cutting-edge equipment at the point of care. However, an increasing number of hospitals and outpatient facilities are focusing on patient experience as the lynchpin connecting key performance indicators with achieving their patient-centered ...

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modular wall systems

Modular Walls: What They Are and When To Use Them

Temporary modular walls have evolved significantly over the past few years, proving their value as a reliable alternative to traditional solutions, such as drywall or plastic sheeting. But determining when they provide a viable option depends on your intended purpose. To help clear up confusion, here’s a quick look at what ...

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demountable wall system

What is a demountable wall?

STARC defines a demountable wall as a temporary modular barrier that can be quickly assembled or removed to provide protection from dust, noise and dangerous hazards, such as those created by construction or demolition activities.

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